Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Weekend time :blsmoke:
I have a company coming out tomorrow to pump my septic tank out and inspect it...I sure hope I don't have to replace anything! Too damned wet right now! But it's an old buddy I haven't seen in 30+ years, so hopefully I get the old buddy discount :)

Looks like another busy damned week!
Jeez, you're getting unlucky. Hope it's a quick and easy fix :[
Hey, it's my weekend, I am allowed to be irresponsible.
Was it awesome? What was playing?

What game are you playing? I got addicted to the sims for a little while last year.

It's pretty awesome being allowed into the wild again. It was a guy with a guitar and pre-recorded music doing covers. I think I got a million mosquito bites. Feels weird being out unmasked when the servers are still wearing them.
What game are you playing? I got addicted to the sims for a little while last year.

It's pretty awesome being allowed into the wild again. It was a guy with a guitar and pre-recorded music doing covers. I think I got a million mosquito bites. Feels weird being out unmasked when the servers are still wearing them.
Ys 8. Just a random long running rpg series that I can dive into for a few dozen hours at a time. It's on my switch
I agree on the masks thing. At my job none of the customers wear their masks anymore but I am still wearing mine all day. Feels like a dividing line
Yeah, it's Monday. Hoping to have working hearing aids and a working toilet by the end of the day! Woo Hoo for the little things!

Oh and I have wax for breakfast :lol: Since I have to go do some more digging, it will make a fine breakfast!!

Sun is even shining!

:( It was supposed to rain here too but turned into a gorgeous weekend. Hope your water problems aren't as bad as @manfredo

It is so crazy here! I went to Lowes last night and they have a big stack of sump pumps right by the door. A lot of people have it worse than me, by far.

Ys 8. Just a random long running rpg series that I can dive into for a few dozen hours at a time. It's on my switch
I agree on the masks thing. At my job none of the customers wear their masks anymore but I am still wearing mine all day. Feels like a dividing line
It is strange that employees are still required to wear masks many places, while customers don't have too. I'm not quite sure what the logic is there...or, if that logic makes sense. I know some people can NOT get vaccinated, but those people should be the ones masked, it seems.

Well time to dig, and the hearing aid place just called....Gotta run :hump:
Ys 8. Just a random long running rpg series that I can dive into for a few dozen hours at a time. It's on my switch
I agree on the masks thing. At my job none of the customers wear their masks anymore but I am still wearing mine all day. Feels like a dividing line

Are masks mandates still in place? Here you have to put your mask on as soon as you leave your table and still required in all stores.
Are masks mandates still in place? Here you have to put your mask on as soon as you leave your table and still required in all stores.
For us it isnt required anymore, no. But our boss decided to keep the employee mandate in place. I honestly don't mind. We are near the beach, a big international train hub, an airport, and a disabled adults home whose staff is not recommending vaccines according to a resident who shops with us...