Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

oh it got worse as the night progressed love.....

when i hit that 14......it was all over...

i was even screwing up playing my NBA video game last night
I accidentally double dosed my green dragon, then after i had a SINGLE beer, my entire brain exploded. I was so high, I could not function. It was great.
I did end up staying up til like 4 and doing random shit.
I accidentally double dosed my green dragon, then after i had a SINGLE beer, my entire brain exploded. I was so high, I could not function. It was great.
I did end up staying up til like 4 and doing random shit.

think i had my first smoke about the time the race started...i kicked back started snacking a little, first beer didn't happen till 6, then i was working on the food.....got the fire started in the smoker pit....then i was up to my 3rd smoke and second beer....notice to the NW rain storm coming, watched that form with another...pretty awesome to watch btw.....then i went inside had nother smoke and a beer.......went outside to ck on things got the garden watered and the dogs and got the dogs feed......came back inside...so when i came on here i was well....lets say pretty toasted.....
I've had a hard time with mine this year, he drip line I was using didn't drip enough so they were drying out. I made a new line and they are getting better, the heat didn't help either.

mine are coming in like crazy this year...for some reason the zucc's just did't like it.....had a nice plant...just no production.....i did have it in a large pot...kinda wondering if that was it.....maybe next season i need to move it to an above ground bead or something....still on the fence