Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

I got my boss onto cold brew. He is like 15 years younger, haha. He didn't know you could get more caffeine than in just a cuppa diner joe.

Do you have a preferred brand for cold brew? I like the nuttier flavors hot, and the smokier flavors cold.
I highly recommend Volcanica's Brazil Estate for hot it has wonderful chocolate and nutty flavors.
What's it like, and where did you have it?
recommended by C2G
recommended by C2G
Ooh, thanks! I went up and edited my post to give the link. Drinking that this morning? I'm having the Brazil Estate I linked LOL
Good morning, happy hump day.

I had the oddest morning. Coming back from the dog park there's a lot of construction and it goes down to one lane in both directions. I was trying to merge in and had my signal on. I kinda had to be a bit agressive to get over. I didn't cut the guy off, there was probably a full car length and we were doing maybe 25kph at most. This guy loses his mind, starts honking, flashing his high beams and tailgating really closely. I went back into my lane after the construction site and he followed. Every turn I made he followed, flashing his high beams. This went on for about 10 minutes, matching every turn and going in circles. Finally saw two cop cars parked in a plaza and pulled in, he didn't follow.
I'm coming to your house! I couldn't find any iced coffee out there. For the first time I did make some the other day. I put my cup of coffee with cream in the frig (no I don't know why I did it). But by the time I found it it was wonderfully tasty.

So then I made a cup of cold brew. That shit has so much caffeine it's almost like an amphetamine. I really need to make more of that tasty concoction!
Because you was high and it just felt right he he he
Good morning, happy hump day.

I had the oddest morning. Coming back from the dog park there's a lot of construction and it goes down to one lane in both directions. I was trying to merge in and had my signal on. I kinda had to be a bit agressive to get over. I didn't cut the guy off, there was probably a full car length and we were doing maybe 25kph at most. This guy loses his mind, starts honking, flashing his high beams and tailgating really closely. I went back into my lane after the construction site and he followed. Every turn I made he followed, flashing his high beams. This went on for about 10 minutes, matching every turn and going in circles. Finally saw two cop cars parked in a plaza and pulled in, he didn't follow.
I always try mouthing the word, "Sorry", even if I'm not. If it doesn't work drive quickly to a cop shop (police station). If they flash a gun dial 911 and drive fast. Welcome to Los Angeles.
I've been mixing the Brazilian Peaberry with the Ethiopian Yirgacheffe the last few mornings
I've been considering mixing it with the Brazil Estate. None of my other coffees even come close to comparing to those two. I'm very surprised especially when you hear about how wonderful Kona and Jamaican coffees are. My daughter in law got me started on Brazilian coffee, said they were some of the very best in the world. So far I think she's right.
No, but I considered it. I was worried he was going to kick my iPad in with me. BTW I've actually had that happen with the previous iPad, oh well.

I can't get mine in either. Closest we got was putting him on an inflatable mattress but that stressed him tf out so we took him back to shore. Gotta keep your ipad in a ziplock bag when you're near the pool. I do that with mine in the bathtub all the time.

I always try mouthing the word, "Sorry", even if I'm not. If it doesn't work drive quickly to a cop shop (police station). If they flash a gun dial 911 and drive fast. Welcome to Los Angeles.

I did the proverbial sorry wave out the window. People are just too high strung and freak out at the most minor situation. We're both in separate cars and I have a full tank of gas, I hope he doesn't think he was scaring me. Have you seen someone flash a gun in traffic? That's nuts!