Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Slept well last night.
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I spent the evening watching Domina while floating in the spa. The iPhone remote worked wonderfully. I got in at a comfy temp and turned it up as I needed! Riley hates it when the neighbors dogs bark and couldn't understand why I wouldn't go into the house where it was cool and comfy.
Cuter than cute....man!, Riley got that Willy Wonka Golden Ticket......soft bed, blankie, Google's from the smoker, and it looks like he's setup for videos on on iPad. " The Life of Riley", an old saying that came from very old movie.
I might benefit from this wide nose. Got good access back there, hahaha.

I hope so. They told me the refridgerant in the thing is a larger reservoir than they are used to, and it is still using the old illegal stuff.

Good ole cheating and fooling guy’s but R22 freon is expensive . I’ve been out of the game for a decade and this reservoir thing got me scratching my head. There’s some shady companies out there.