Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
what a weekend........got my first shot of fizer this weekend.......kinda didn't have a choice in the matter, this was Saturday morning after i got back from the lake......then i mowed my yard with the ridding mower....and talk about hot....ugh.......the next day....i felt like i was ran over by a dump truck....dunno if it was the shot...or the heat from the day before....still don't feel 100% though.....so i took Sunday off....think i slept most of the day on the couch.....

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
what a weekend........got my first shot of fizer this weekend.......kinda didn't have a choice in the matter, this was Saturday morning after i got back from the lake......then i mowed my yard with the ridding mower....and talk about hot....ugh.......the next day....i felt like i was ran over by a dump truck....dunno if it was the shot...or the heat from the day before....still don't feel 100% though.....so i took Sunday off....think i slept most of the day on the couch.....
Awesome, so glad you got it. Sucks that you feel shitty but that goes away soon enough. :hug:


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
what a weekend........got my first shot of fizer this weekend.......kinda didn't have a choice in the matter, this was Saturday morning after i got back from the lake......then i mowed my yard with the ridding mower....and talk about hot....ugh.......the next day....i felt like i was ran over by a dump truck....dunno if it was the shot...or the heat from the day before....still don't feel 100% though.....so i took Sunday off....think i slept most of the day on the couch.....
Feel better! Get lots of rest. You rock!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Black dark roast coffee , blueberry muffin , a banana and some tokes . Nice cool breeze coming through the windows. Beautiful start to the day . Good morning everyone bongsmilie
Cool breeze you say! Where do you live? Anyway enjoy it while you got it :) Out here it's hot AND humid and I'm cranky because I don't sleep well when it's 100 and 80%
I had a dream I was petting a cat’s head. It was fluffy and loved the rubbing. So I’m confused. I’ve got three cats but none of them would go for that, I don’t think. Was it a dream or were they trying to wake me for breakfast?

Anyway, it was a good dream.

Hurricane passing as we speak. Go Fred go.
Literally, go Fred!
Good morning

Good morning @Rsawr @Jeffislovinlife @shrxhky420 @DarkWeb @Laughing Grass @cranky pants (you know who you are) @bk78 @everyone else I forgot because I need to drink more coffee now!


Well-Known Member
Cool breeze you say! Where do you live? Anyway enjoy it while you got it :) Out here it's hot AND humid and I'm cranky because I don't sleep well when it's 100 and 80%

Literally, go Fred!
Good morning

Good morning @Rsawr @Jeffislovinlife @shrxhky420 @DarkWeb @Laughing Grass @cranky pants (you know who you are) @bk78 @everyone else I forgot because I need to drink more coffee now!
coffee now that is awesome idea 162912492043670120393.jpghopefully you have a great day and a better night