Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Screw that . Thankfully where I live we have one poisonous snake and one poisonous spider to worry about .

It’s not coffee but this banana shake sure is hitting the spot . Can’t believe my daughter left the house and came back with something for me and mom . Miracles do happen . Lol


Well-Known Member
I'm alive :p

Just had to take a break from the internet....Too much to do, too much pain, and too grumpy...But damned I have been getting some shit done!

Finally had my right shoulder injected again this morning after 3 months, and he loaded it up even more this time. He is going to start injecting it every other month until I can have it replaced. Trying to find a really great surgeon to replace my right shoulder!! And i go in in 2 weeks to get the ball rolling on having both hips replaced, again too....Revisions surgery:wall: So I am looking at 3 major surgeries....Ugh.

Which is why I have been working my ass off to get my 3 investment houses sold. Hopefully (knock on wood) I'll have a closing this month on 2 of them. Dealing with college kids coming back in the meantime.

And we're right back to Covid central...masks required everywhere again, and it's spreading like wildfire here. Tons of restrictions, and they are putting pressure to the unvaccinated to get vaccinated. ALL medical workers must be, and they are talking about teachers next. Good!! I'm stocking up on things.

And speaking of wildfires, I have been watching in horror what's happening out west. Are you guys all safe, I hope?

Hoping to fire up the flower room in a few weeks too:weed: Kept a few moms going indoors all summer.

I hope everyone is well...I'll never be able to catch up, but I'll try to pop in a bit more often!!
Great to here from you take the very best care of your self