Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Not really; at those the women just yelled and shouted; the men threw punches. This reminds me of Jr Hi, under the throes of burgeoning adolescence, and the various clique girls airing their differences and airing other things as well :)
Mostly at mine it occurred between the young girls in the kitchen. Guys did not go there so maybe you never got to see it. The middle aged women were working too hard to really intervene and grandma didn't give a shit as long as no food was used as a weapon. We usually had, oops, I mean they usually had flour on their hands, pie crust making fights.

It usually ended with hair pulling or sobbing at which point grandma would say clean it up. You obeyed, she was mean, had a broom and wasn't afraid to use it.
yum good tamales.......good coffee....

already had a couple of customers drool......and also be a butt.........

should be a good day.....

and why does the wife buy me these....especially since i still have a qt jar 3/4 full....think she's trying to get me drunk....