Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Congratulations, how happy are you? What are you plans for your free time now.
Honestly the rentals didn't take much of my time, except for 1 month of the year...June. But they WERE a huge PITA as far as dealing with some of the kids. And I never trusted a property management company, so they did tie me down. I can actually go on vacations now...IF Covid ever clears up in my lifetime!!

I also have a LOT of projects around my own house that have been getting put on the back burner, and I am already looking for a new home for me...Something smaller, and easier to maintain, but no real rush.

Honestly, it doesn't take much to keep me busy any more.
Honestly the rentals didn't take much of my time, except for 1 month of the year...June. But they WERE a huge PITA as far as dealing with some of the kids. And I never trusted a property management company, so they did tie me down. I can actually go on vacations now...IF Covid ever clears up in my lifetime!!

I also have a LOT of projects around my own house that have been getting put on the back burner, and I am already looking for a new home for me...Something smaller, and easier to maintain, but no real rush.

Honestly, it doesn't take much to keep me busy any more.

Oh okay I thought you were constantly having calls that this or that is broken and needs repair.

You never stop do you? I need a nap after reading some of your posts lol.
Yeah, it really sucks that snakes have such a bad reputation.

Personally, I relocate the rattlers that come in my yard. I like snakes.
I wish snakes didn't skeeve me out so badly, but they do...I could probably never live anywhere warm year round because of that! And we don't even have dangerous ones near me, or not many at least.

I have gotten better...I realize they do good. What's weird is slimy worms and night crawlers don't bother me at all. but a snake.....eeeeks!! Just ingrained from my childhood I think...My mother hated snakes, and I hate snakes too! Sorry snake lovers!!

I have an early bad memory of snakes too. My parents went to a cemetery when I was about 5-6 years old. I wandered up onto a hill overlooking the cemetery, and all of a sudden I realized there were hundreds of snake's slithering all around me, everywhere. Probably harmless but the stuff many nightmare's were made of. :o
Oh okay I thought you were constantly having calls that this or that is broken and needs repair.

You never stop do you? I need a nap after reading some of your posts lol.
I have always been one to keep busy, and I enjoy fixing stuff....But yeah, its time to learn to stop and smell the roses while I still can.

I'm not really sure what adventures are next!!