Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

I'll bet knuckles hurt really bad...I know when I had my hand stitched up a few months back, that hurt really bad.

I think he actually got it in the right spots. It feels much better. Of course the next week will tell. The good thing with injections is it's over in a few minutes. My pits were soaked from waiting 45 minutes in fear though, lol.
The waiting is the hardest part. :hug:
I have been doing that...mixing a few strains and then pressing it. It's so weird...Sometimes I can do 10 dabs and get things done, and then other times, like today, a few dabs has done me in...but I was tired before I started. And it's a gloomy day. I need to find an energy dab recipe! haha!

I think I'm gonna head to the grocery store and find some thing good to eat!~
you will always experience more phisiological stress during the change of seasons prepare for it. also dehydration and manfredo eat more salt