The waiting is the hardest part.I'll bet knuckles hurt really bad...I know when I had my hand stitched up a few months back, that hurt really bad.
I think he actually got it in the right spots. It feels much better. Of course the next week will tell. The good thing with injections is it's over in a few minutes. My pits were soaked from waiting 45 minutes in fear though, lol.
Looks relaxing Jeff, enjoy itFire and coffee View attachment 4989536
You are welcome around my firepit anytime you sweet heartLooks relaxing Jeff, enjoy it
What she is not a sweetheart?
Inside or on the grill?Cooked a big juicy burger, and feel like a new man. Might even be up for a dab or 2.... I might just sleep good tonight, if I can sleep on my back
That is not what I read the first time I thought I had read lolI'm pooped. Typing takes it out of you.
Company picnic tomorrow. Couple of hours outdoors and away from my computer but somehow still working. Lol.
Cooked a big juicy burger, and feel like a new man. Might even be up for a dab or 2.... I might just sleep good tonight, if I can sleep on my back
What she is not a sweetheart?
I used to get them in the thumbs. But the knees and hips use up my allotment.That's an understatement!
I had multiple shots in my knuckles a while back & HOLY WTF that hurt!
you will always experience more phisiological stress during the change of seasons prepare for it. also dehydration and manfredo eat more saltI have been doing that...mixing a few strains and then pressing it. It's so weird...Sometimes I can do 10 dabs and get things done, and then other times, like today, a few dabs has done me in...but I was tired before I started. And it's a gloomy day. I need to find an energy dab recipe! haha!
I think I'm gonna head to the grocery store and find some thing good to eat!~