Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

New tires are $854 now, about $300 more than the last time I got them several years ago.

Let me guess...

Every business blames everything on it while they dig deeper into your pockets. Profiteering blows.
Well I get a $70 rebate card and 2% cash back credit card is another $17.08.

Could be worse. Sitting on the bench outside vaping away my financial woes. Lol.
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New tires are $854 now, about $300 more than the last time I got them several years ago.

Let me guess...

Every business blames everything on it while they dig deeper into your pockets. Profiteering blows.
Well I get a $70 rebate card and 2% cash back credit card is another $17.08.

Could be worse. Sitting on the bench outside vaping away my financial woes. Lol.

Depending on the size that's actually not a bad price. 4? Or 5?
And are you FREQUENTLY hunted for sport, dude?
I found it's prudent not to stick around and find out for sure exactly who they are hunting. Discretion and fast feet are the better part of valor.

Does he have the riu url?

Want me to send it to him?
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Unfortunately he does have it. My son was not known for paying close attention. So I made the ASSumption he was still like his old self and several years ago when my daughter in law was making noises about learning to grow I showed her RIU. After the birthday he just planned and executed in exquisite detail it occurred to me he has changed from his 8 y/o self! So I'm SURE he could be here.