Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Just finished the boys phyllo ham and cheese wraps. I knew as he put things in the cart proclaiming snack trays and maybe a strudel when he grabbed the phyllo. Afraid to ask what I'm doing with the puffpastry.

All good. I'm full from eating the ham and cheese trimmings. And he is building his second plate.

Best of the day to all. As I sit to finally smoke.
Just finished harvest, trim and wet manicuring. After dinner, bud washing and then they hang dry.
Four hours of trimming alone, not my worst time. I did have a lot of popcorn this cycle. Can't
allow myself to get distracted and skip the lollipopping again. :-/
Oh well the trim blast should render some decent oil.

My gut is mostly behaving again, thank you antibiotics.
Back to work tomorrow after a weekend of sitting on my futon not liking being human.
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