Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

I just wanna wear the badass mask :D

There's a guy going who for some reason brings out the competitive spirit in me. Everything is a competition with this guy and I can't help but get sucked in. It would be awesome if I could shoot him and not get shot myself just to have that over him.

nothing wrong with that....i've been, it was rather fun....especially meeting my step-son for the first time.....he owned the field we played on, before he joined the army....
Just up the street from Disneyland they have a Paintball park that hosts Decay of Nations.

Outdoors looks way better. The place here is indoors and it looks dark. Might have to bend their no drugs rule.

Jail time

We all wear all white, right? Keep the tie dye as a memory? :lol:

I'm picturing us all sitting around having drinks afterwards covered in welts.