Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Mornin all.......hows everyone doing....

woke up last night at 5am...heard a boom.....yeah we had thunderboomers run through the city and it took out all the humidity.....our dew point went from lows 70's to a nice 55 this morning......temp this morning was 74F and we are not goona get much higher 79F for a high with w/WNW wind....with clear skies...hope it stay like this for the weekend...then i can bring my telescope out.....

Fresh Coffee is made....enjoy...

man that was good munchies last night...grilled up 2 thick pork chop, sliced thin as i can, laid them at the bottom of the bowl, then covered them with beans the wife made......little shredded cheese and a doloup of sour cream.......and then passing out...
I'm in the same boat, glasses suck - but no options here either.
I'd be all over Lasik if it would work for me.
I'm about to make an appt. to see a lasik surgeon...for cataracts, but also to find out if I'm a candidate for no glasses. God that would be nice, but I doubt it, my eyes are pretty bad.

I had been seeing this old school eye doctor who has been monitoring my cataract progression, but he "fired me" for not making an appt. during Covid. It was unbelievable...I really should have saved the letter, and sent it to the Press or something.