Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Holly Fuck!!!
I’m in the back Of my car drinking coffee scrolling through RIU,
I feel the car shake, first thought it was wind heard something above my head at passengers window turned on headlamp turned around a bear is staring at me through the window. I am still shaking!!’
He was wondering what the creamy filling in the car was!! Good morning
Good morning happy Thursday
Good morning and happy Thursday back at ya. How are you guys feeling? I'm heading into LA hunting for new runners Asics changed their Last. I could scream. I hate change. Now I have to go through seeing which last fits my feet best again. Oh well they have a Cracker Barrel restaurant there and I've never eaten there. I'm eyeing their ham steak.
It’s the second time in the 10yrs that I’ve been car camping up here that it’s happened.
I hope 3rd times a charm, doesn’t apply here
When we camped we always had the Mossberg. I'd probably carry the Glock if I were in a small space. My god and you just got in from messing up his home. Apparently he likes the smell of whatever it is you're eating.