Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

Thanksgiving at my house is canceled due to influenza A.
No cooking or prep was accomplished.

The only attempt to start was thaw a 23lb turkey.
Still in the fridge now, once cooked 98% will likely be fed to the dogs for dog food.

Scrambled eggs and canna caps for breakfast. Lunch may just be soup, sammich and tincture.

Mirth and merriment this holiday season was squelched at the first attempt to seek medical assistance.
Once again NO ONE in a position to help was willing to take the time.

Christmas is not looking good either.
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So this day does remind me that I am thankful for my mom and sister.

She was thoughtful and kind enough to stop by after having Turkey dinner at moms and
drop off a care package from my mom. :hug:

The turkey in my fridge was supposed to have been for dinner today.
Sis was able to get a fresh turkey breast and cook it this morning without having to worry about thawing.:hug:

Even if I did not get to see them we were thinking of each other.
Love Heart emoticon (Heart emoticon set)

Some families do weird stuff after dinner.

And I am bawling. Okay, solid stuff. Guys go watch bruised if you want to watch an emotional journey that is straddled by scenes of fit ladies mma fighting.

Looks good. She produced and directed it, that's cool. She is SUCH a huge UFC fan, she is at every major card cheering her ass off. Amazing how fine she still is, she's one of my fav actresses. Ima check it out, fo sho.

I had a really nice, relaxing day. 3 great naps, amazing dinner with enough leftovers to last all weekend (bought 2 dinners), and lotsa good shows. My sexy married violinist gf texted me to say how much she loves and admires me, and how thankful she is for our friendship. That warmed my heart... and my penis a little bit. The only thing that got in the way today was having to take cuttings from moms and fill the cloner, and to water clones in cups and put 'em back under the light. That took about 3 hours. I hated doing it, but I am thankful to my girls for providing for me and my family all these years. I do love my little demanding bitches, more than I resent the effort to maintain them...

There was also real cranberry sauce, great pretzel bread, and beautiful bread pudding for dessert -


Filled cloner -


Completed veg shelf -
