Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Well I’m giving up on keeping up with this thread, im always 10-15 pages behind.
But I got the basics.
Dabs, dabs and more dabs
Michi-can has been a Michi-cunt, I can get past him cooking hotdogs in water (when did this become a thing WTF North America please explain), I can handle the fact he thinks he is a superior and loves getting on his high horse and feels the need to say weird random shit (actually makes sense now he boils his hotdogs this has to be a side effect).
But saying Uma doesn’t look hot in a tracksuit7BC9D1B5-4E45-402E-A1EB-2209367A03D8.gif
As much as I adore dogs, they aren't especially discriminatory; they like to eat cat poop too
I have one rescue guy who is decidedly not right in the head and he loves one of my very old seniors. By love I mean even down to coprophagia! My guess is he was beaten so badly for having accidents he's trying to save his friend. Thank god for Plax and toothpaste.
Probably like any other vegetable oil; corn, olive,etc. Think back to your youth, the old Mexie brick was loaded with seeds and we smoked them with our young lungs,
Yeah in which case with the temp of the cherry they acted like popcorn. This is low temp pressing. I should take a handful of seeds and see how much oil I can press from them to get an idea of amount.
I'm not sure. I bought it off of FB market a couple of years ago. I think it's real leather because it's held up decently, but it's about the lowest overall quality as they get.
Yeah, mine was really cheap too but I got it when I had teenagers. My next set was La-z-boy and I upgraded the leather, with a little luck I'm never furniture shopping again.