Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
You should just write a list , look around see what you need make 1 trip to the store , Instead of one day Dirt , next day toilet paper, next day smokes .. Ya know bro.. Those bones of yours aint what they used to be ..Twisty falls down and go boom... Twisty ends up in nursing home with broken hip.. steal a cart to wheel things back and forth


Well-Known Member
You should just write a list , look around see what you need make 1 trip to the store , Instead of one day Dirt , next day toilet paper, next day smokes .. Ya know bro.. Those bones of yours aint what they used to be ..Twisty falls down and go boom... Twisty ends up in nursing home with broken hip.. steal a cart to wheel things back and forth
Zoom !!!! Have you ever bought one of those mini Heineken kegs... what a pain in the ass... :shock:


Well-Known Member
those heiney kegs are rad!!!! I had one with me on the mountain yesterday...there is a lil cabin the back country with a grill and shit, we posted everything up there..there is even a community pipe that is left there(lil bitch is frozen all the time, and hits like shit), it doesnt get stolen tho, and is great in a pinch..


New Member
Guten morgen!! hey those kegs are great!! They have a widget inside like the smaller ones. It keeps the froth for weeks after being opened.....what else do you want :lol: Of course I'm assuming for most of you it won't last weeks..... :mrgreen:

Vette, what kind of smokes do you inhale? Just wondering.....

It's been this kind of morning here..... ever happen to you?

Dang, where IS IT??? Off to the stove i guess.

out. :blsmoke: