Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

puts the 165 gram kegel ball to shame.
Shy Whistler animated emoticon

Anyone ever do this?

A guy I grew up with had one in the 125 class like that. One winter we put a shit load of ice screws in the tires and took it on the lake. Fuck that thing was fast!
Lol, nothing near that sophisticated. Closest we came was building a kart with a chain saw engine. Boy that was a temperamental bitch. Lots of fun for a couple of punk kids, though. Learned some skills.
Did y’all figure out that you could tie a string or piece of wire to the governor linkage and pull on the said string or wire to really rap that little motor out and bout double top speed lmao

We put a KTM 500 2 stroke motor in a Honda 250x ATV frame lol made a hinge for the back plastics and seat so you could kick start it.......I figured out that cart too.....it may be what started it all ;)