Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

you ask friends and family to donate for cancer research

That makes so much more sense.


I'm one of them.

/Should probably back-read the thread more often.
Saw a lady in Kansas walk out to her car in a parking lot with a tub of steaming water to melt the ice on her windshield. I think the temp was about 10 at the time. I should have said something but it seemed more entertaining to watch the outcome. She threw it on the windshield and it basically exploded. The look on her face was priceless.

So your saying it worked?

So your saying it worked?


We probably would have been friends back in the day, our humors agree.

In college a frat brother did this to his car, he was a southern kid who had never experienced a midwest winter before. We watched him from the house as his entire windshield exploded and three other guys raced for the door to try and stop him. He came into the house with a look of complete shock and I looked at him and said, "Well, the ice is gone."

Only time I've been punched since becoming a legal adult.