Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Woke up to the sound of wind machines in the almond orchards this morning. They run them when they are in flower and we gat a hard freeze to save the fruit. The local Facebook page is usually filled with newbies asking WTF. Someone ruined my fun by explaining what it was before I had a chance to post my story about how the base was testing a mega drone. Got down to 27 and all the rooves looked like glazed doughnuts.
Heat at 78° that's crazy! I'm sweating thinking about it. I saw a top down in a convertible yesterday.
Wait til you get old!! My thermostat is set at 75f and I'm cold most of the time.

The outdoor temps are dropping super quickly...Our little thaw is over!

Just got done cleaning my gas fireplace and blower...Nice and quiet again. Now I need to order more propane. I already went through two 500 gallon tankful's this season. I need to move too!!!

Next up...Blumat shopping!!
Wait til you get old!! My thermostat is set at 75f and I'm cold most of the time.

The outdoor temps are dropping super quickly...Our little thaw is over!

Just got done cleaning my gas fireplace and blower...Nice and quiet again. Now I need to order more propane. I already went through two 500 gallon tankful's this season. I need to move too!!!

Next up...Blumat shopping!!

Hey I'm cold all the time too... and hungry!
Wait til you get old!! My thermostat is set at 75f and I'm cold most of the time.

The outdoor temps are dropping super quickly...Our little thaw is over!

Just got done cleaning my gas fireplace and blower...Nice and quiet again. Now I need to order more propane. I already went through two 500 gallon tankful's this season. I need to move too!!!

Next up...Blumat shopping!!

My wood furnace keeps the house at 75°+ no matter how cold it gets. But it's only on when needed......-20°'s I like to be warmed to the bone......mid 60°'s 70's is nice. Anything more I'm a grumpy person. It literally makes me unhappy. A lot of people during this time of year get what's called SAD https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases...e disorder (SAD) is,and making you feel moody.
My wife always called me a vampire because I seak shade and the house is dark and cold lol I'm kinda the opposite of that disorder
Wait til you get old!! My thermostat is set at 75f and I'm cold most of the time.

The outdoor temps are dropping super quickly...Our little thaw is over!

Just got done cleaning my gas fireplace and blower...Nice and quiet again. Now I need to order more propane. I already went through two 500 gallon tankful's this season. I need to move too!!!

Next up...Blumat shopping!!

I just got my propane filled. Usually if you call it'll be next week. But they where here today.......in the mud lol I had to fix 8" deep ruts after that. Shop's got heat again!
So with the Blumats, do you guys think they will work ok with 10gallon bags? I see a lot of people complaining about them not supplying enough water. Are they adjustable?

I didn't realize your pots were that big. You'll need more than just the normal carrots.


It's less complicated than it looks. The four distribution drippers run off the small carrot, you only have two to calibrate per pot.
It might be worth it.. I am cutting back on growing anyways so I'll probably only run 8 or so from now on. Thy have these cheaper kits for fabric bags so I could probably get set up for around $300...About what I'd pay someone to come water a few times

It might be worth it.. I am cutting back on growing anyways so I'll probably only run 8 or so from now on. Thy have these cheaper kits for fabric bags so I could probably get set up for around $300...About what I'd pay someone to come water a few times

That would do nicely.

I use a 7 gal fabric pot and one 5" carrot.

My customers do not complain.
Weed to Joint animated emoticon
It might be worth it.. I am cutting back on growing anyways so I'll probably only run 8 or so from now on. Thy have these cheaper kits for fabric bags so I could probably get set up for around $300...About what I'd pay someone to come water a few times

If you're just running 8 you could get the medium kit and eight of the 9" carrots for less than $200

That would do nicely.

I use a 7 gal fabric pot and one 5" carrot.

My customers do not complain.
Weed to Joint animated emoticon

Good to know...I keep bouncing back and forth between 8 and 10 gallon bags. I do seem to get bigger yields with the 10's though.

I just watched a couple videos from SustainableVillage and it doesn't look too difficult,

Do you guys use a moisture meter or are you just winging it?
Good to know...I keep bouncing back and forth between 8 and 10 gallon bags. I do seem to get bigger yields with the 10's though.

I just watched a couple videos from SustainableVillage and it doesn't look too difficult,

Do you guys use a moisture meter or are you just winging it?

I don't use a moisture meter. I'm the opposite, pots have been getting smaller, I can just lift it and see how heavy it feels.