Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Does it work? I've camped in a tent lots of times. But not in a while.......Cherokees and 4 door Wranglers would be what we've mostly camped in. And I've never used it on clothes because it's usually deet. I wouldn't mind cutting back on the deet.
I think it works great, they just get near you and lose interest. You don't have to get up every morning and douse bug spray, just put on a long sleeve shirt you treated.
Plus they don't hang around on your tent all night trying to chew through.
I've never used it.
I've used some Sawyer products that worked pretty well (for ticks). Don't know if it has the wax stuff in it.

Was up from 3 am till the last 45 minutes.....then slept deep till the alarm. Damn it!

How's it going?