Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

footage from @Paul Drake's home

That makes me lol I’m gonna have to get part of my walls plastiszed.
She goes did you do this? Ummmm no it was Sparkee.
Found the best Dab Press song...

Pretty Polly Paulson what's wrong with you,
Your body's kinda weak can you think of
Something we can do?
Good golly Polly shame on you
Cause Molly made a stew that'll make a new girl
Out of you
So follow me, it's good for you
That good ole fashion medicated goo
Ooh - ooh ain't it good for you
My own home recipe will see you through
Freakin Fredy Frolly had some I know
He was last seen pickin green flowers in a
Field of snow
Get ready Fredy there's sure to be more
Mother Nature just brewed it and there's
Nothing really to it I know
So follow me, it's good for you
That good ole fashion medicated goo
Ooh - ooh ain't it good for you
My own home recipe will see you through