Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Virtually Unknown Member
A new type of hell this morning...
Kitchen's torn up, coffeemaker cord couldn't reach the plug.
Had to find an extension, then couldn't find where the coffee can got moved, dogs needed to go out, then forgot to turn it on.
Longest 3 minutes of my life, now I got a stress headache.
I usually drink tea in the morning but occasionally, only coffee will due. I use an old fashioned percolator which requires some process preparation and the "best saved 5 minutes" of time is if I have prepped the damn thing the night before and only have to turn it on. Good morning!


Well-Known Member

60° and wet today.......did I hear the weatherman mention snow :bigjoint:

And we have......

A cousin that we saw over the weekend tested positive yesterday. And the little guy had a sore throat and sniffles so we gave him a test. So far he's the only one and thats all it is. He did spend a lot of time on her lap.

How's everyone else doing today?


Well-Known Member
Woke up early today, yesterday morning I had a back spasm and I've been hunched over like a 95 year old man for the last 24 hours.
Took a couple Valium (last two from a surgery last Dec) and passed the hell out.

Feeling a little bit better today, but still a lot of pain in my mid-right back, all from the dangerous task of making the damned bed yesterday.
Saw the child off to school as she left for the bus stop this morning, she's about as chipper and personable as the old man is at 7am these days.


Well-Known Member
Woke up early today, yesterday morning I had a back spasm and I've been hunched over like a 95 year old man for the last 24 hours.
Took a couple Valium (last two from a surgery last Dec) and passed the hell out.

Feeling a little bit better today, but still a lot of pain in my mid-right back, all from the dangerous task of making the damned bed yesterday.
Saw the child off to school as she left for the bus stop this morning, she's about as chipper and personable as the old man is at 7am these days.
I found these guys on YouTube and I find them very helpful .