Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

It's possible it is plantar fasciitis or both. You should see a good podiatrist and get the differential diagnosis. So sorry to hear, foot pain sucks.

Pain management dr. examined my foot and confirmed it is Morton's Neuroma, and suggested I see a podiatric surgeon.... So that's what I'm going to try and do. He also offered to inject it or said he wouldn't be offended if a podiatrist did it.

Now that I know what it is, I have had this a long time. I've had that sensation of wadded up socks under my toes/ball of foot for a decade, on and off, but it's gotten worse lately.

Trying my afternoon coffee a little earlier today! :hump:

Got an appt. in about 3 weeks with what appears to be a great foot surgeon.

I wonder why everything is going on the right side of my body. Right foot, hip, shoulder, and even my right eye all have troubles! I guess that makes sense, I am right handed so probably my dominant side.

Off to Lowes and the garden store for paint and wild bird food. I have 2 feeders back up and the birds are going crazy.

close to 10 years ago I went through a Taco Bell and the girl was commenting about my card, saying she had never seen one like that before and it must have a high limit or something to that effect. It was a chase saphire card made from metal and it is heavy. Next day I got an alert from Chase...someone had bought a $1,000 brides dress right across the street from the taco place. Almost sure it was that girl. All the info is on the front too, so just one pic and you have all you need to go shopping.