Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

It's beautiful here....haven't had the heat on in days, but that ends today.

Gotta get moving....supposed to go have lunch with my brother, who I haven't seen in a while. Another friend stopped in yesterday i hadn't seen. His wife is diabetic and lost her leg below the knee a few months back....This getting old shit is for the birds~
Nope. I had a bad reaction to meds and had serotonin syndrome. Marijuana of any kind made me feel worse. The reaction felt like a bad acid trip I could not stop. The weed, even one hit from a joint made it worse. I’ve NO desire to ever feel that way again.

It’s only a habit, not an addiction.

Knock yourself out and smoke yourself silly for all I care. It’s not for me. And I’m happy to save $700 a month.

Win/win imho. Most people are proud of me. We can bullshit ourselves all we want regarding marijuana use. Everyone knows the truth deep down.

Just not for me anymore. And I’m happy about it.