Really scary part is I am starting to look like grandpa a little too much!!
At least you still have hair, don't worry about the color!you are, you should see the grey n my hair and my beard and sometime i wake up feeling like a breakfast cerel...
At least you still have hair, don't worry about the color!
Don't worry, it will grow out of your ears and eyebrows soon. Seems to find a new path.oh trust me, that even coming in short supply these days....
And some hazy little thing. Nice choiceSummer just died today, hard frost tonite. It was still setting fruit and growing, still had blooms.
Pulled these off just 2 plants, definitely growing these seeds again, nice cayenne strain.
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just to imagine i used to watch that show....i've mentioned grandpa, he'll be 10 this year on the day after is an intraduction
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he sometimes eats breakfast with me when it's early, he enjoyed the taco's
and here are the twins....
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Now I remember Grandpa!! I was picturing a human in my stoned mind!
Ugh still have to go out and it's dark and cold. Need something easy for dinner.
Oh the podiatrist was a twit. I don't think he has a clue. He said maybe a pinched nerve. Maybe related to my back or hips. He pretty much blew me off. Told me to try a supplement and to contact him if it didn't help. No follow up appt. even.
I like the way you think
funny story this morning after i got back, got my table out and my sitting chair, ol grandpa over comes over sits down next to me. I open the bag of taco's and start eating one, and he tries to get my attention. I finish it, then i open another one, and he ever tries harder. Finally i get to the third one, grab a sip of coffee since i have it with me, just put his two paw on my legs and looks directly at the taco and then to me, so i break off half and give him some. Then gets down munches real quick. So i pull out the forth, he's sitting there looking pretty, he puts one paw on my and give me a little attention bark, so now he gets another half. Finally i get to the fifth, i'm about full, he comes up on my leg, looks at the taco and then looks at me, looks at the taco, crawls back town....and i see these eyes, just staring, then he gives me a whimper, he's going all out now.....then he goes for it, one paw on the leg, whimper, light bark, and those eyes at that point i could have swore he was saying "sup dude, so ya gonna eat that?", that did it, he got the to work....
I read half of this before I realized you were talking about a dog and spent the first half thinking, "Come on Budman, how come you didn't pick up your grandpa some tacos of his own?