Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

What a great day, I have already waked n baked, been to the farmer's market and mowed my lawns.
Time for some more bongs then back out in to the gardens.
Kynde bud, a bong, couple of sausage biscuits and sweet tea from Bojangles.

Damn this is a good morning.

Seriously baked but, only half awake.
I am
I just woke about an hour ago.
I just started back working last Friday.
I have been out of work for 1 year.

I got up checked on my plants .
I have a chair in there with them.
I like to smoke a couple of bong bowls with my sunglasses.
Then I just sit and stare.

I also got a handheld microscope.
So I stay in there even longer looking at trichomes.

Nothing could be finer than being stoned in Carolina.
I like to roll a phaaaat blunt of some good chroinc if i know i dont have to do anything that will invole fast thinking or alot of it for that matter..... no better feeling then when your done smoking the minute yo get up and are just f-ing ripped...... Feels wonderful
its early as hell here in FL, 4:34 in the morning, and i couldnt sleep, so imma just go ahead and start my day w/ a good spliff :joint:
It is 8:30am Monday morning.

I got up about 7:45am.
I hit the bong 2x's and then walked my dog.
I came back and drank a cup of coffee.

I am about to smoke 2 more bong bowls and get ready for work.

I do not have to be there untill 10:00am
I am sure that I will have come down some by then.

I love mj.
Unfortunatly I can not wake n bake on weekdays, just the weekends. I need a clear head for my job, but as soon as I get home the bong is lit!
Bit of a close-shave last night. Almost, no bud for the wake n bake. Then, mango comes through. Bit of a standard in my area, mango. The vietnamese turn whole houses into grow factories and this is what they grow, mango.

Still, it's better than the sand bud the dutch are shipping over, and it's better than having to quick dry some kush to see me through.:mrgreen:
I heard that.

Waking and baking on some buds I pulled about 3 ds ago.
They have been in a dark closet with a pc van sucking air out.

I put a few buds in a brown paper bag last night and put them under my mattress for this morning.
Seems to have done the trick.

Now I just have to get ready for work.

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.