Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Yea yesterday it was REAL windy here ..

So yesterday i put an add on craigslist for a bike mechanic .. between 8pm and 11pm I got 10 e mails .. I was shocked


Well-Known Member
I was thinking that if I had a bowflex, I could use it to hang clean laundry on..... :razz:
China's Brother hangs his coat on it .. we have a treadmill, a body sculpturer machine , a pedal bike , and prob a few other "workout" things , Not one of them has been used in a LONG TIME.. Dust collectors .. Just like much of the people whom have them most end up in the garage ,, They are all IMPULSE BUY"S ..


New Member
We like to go to garage sales in the summer, and every sale has at least 1 piece of exercise equiptment out on the lawn. Sometimes we make it into a game "how many exercise bakes will there be today".

I want a Wii and that Wii fit. It looks fun, my daugher knows someone who just got one and they are hooked on it. They've lost 5 pounds just the first week.


Well-Known Member
They lost 5 lbs because they were more interested in playing the game , Their mind was stimulated and therefor they did not snack and eat as they usually do ..


New Member
No they are only doing it once per day, before they go to work in the morning. That generally isn't a snacking time, at least for me it isn't.

my moms husband does this, and so does she.

shes been coaching gymnastics for a few decades though, and he's just trying to stay fit.

but yea, he lost weight and she says it keeps her "in shape"


Well-Known Member
- 10 degree's here this Morning ..

Sunday Morning Wake & Bake . Gotta love it ... Cheers
Good Morning, Wake n Bake. bongsmilie:mrgreen::peace:
Good morning everyone, wake and bake bongsmilie

Everyone is up early today, this place is hoppin......
G'day all... well that had to be the shortest medal owning in RIU history.. thurs & friday I only spend a bit of time here and get a medal.. yesterday I was here about 12 hours and loose it.... go figure.. -30c here with wind chill.. thats -22f... I need spring to arrive before I go mad......:wall: