Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


New Member
So i just got fuckin hit by a ford taurus at 75 on the thru-way

i was sittin left flank (drivers side backseat)
and a guy in the left lane crashes right into my fuckin seat

my head shatters the window
an im just lookin at homeboy push us sideways down the thru-way

everyone else in the car dead silent

i just start laughin
im still laughing
I LOVE adrenaline rushes
and that shit was GREAT

i wasnt wearing my seatbelt because i was in the back, i didnt go anywhere suprisingly..
ultimatly im alright, some bumps an scratches on my face but other than that
i must say im DAMN happy to be alive.
needless to say, that cleared my sinus'

i also had a half ounce in my pocket, a pill script jar full of roaches, my grinder and bowl on me. luckily i was in the car that got hit, so we werent hassled by John Q. Law

my girlfriend luckily works about 10 miles from the accident, and she just got out of work...so i got picked up from the scene, emt recommended going to the hospital "Nope"
wasnt about to go there and have them inventory my ganja!

anyways, it was quite the eventful night - still high, just got a headache


New Member
Wow, sorry to hear that, but glad you were all okay :clap:

out. :blsmoke:

thanks much!

everyone was lookin at me all pissed off for laughing...i was like, YO im the one that got hit back here, - yea your car fucked, but i got HIT by a maufucker

i love days that make you realize how good things really are;-)


New Member

Yah, when i was in college, i was in the back seat with an english friend driving... he was a TERRIBLE driver and forgot to look the opposite way... he starts to pull out and I simply said very calmly..."we're going to be hit". Chris had just enough time to say 'what"? BAM!!! :lol: all quiet....

out. :blsmoke:


New Member

Yah, when i was in college, i was in the back seat with an english friend driving... he was a TERRIBLE driver and forgot to look the opposite way... he starts to pull out and I simply said very calmly..."we're going to be hit". Chris had just enough time to say 'what"? BAM!!! :lol: all quiet....

out. :blsmoke:
hehe this was outa the blue from the back almost like a pit manuver, right out the blind spot

at first i thought someone was fucking with me lol

i thought some one big had just bitch slapped me through the window, but then i realized my head was going through the window, and we were sliding fast lol


the guy in the passanger seat saved us all, he cut the wheel back the other direction while his girlfriend(driver) panic'd and locked up

otherwise we would have been sitting in both lanes on a 2 lane thru-way

...at rush hour lol


New Member
So he just plain didn't see you guys at all?

Our guy sure as hell saw us, and had a few choice words to boot...:lol:

out. :blsmoke:
"i was spacing out talking on my cellphone, i totally lost control when i realised what was happening"

-me " Ohhh....so you're an asshole, AND you dont know how to drive? thats cool..are you alright? yea? good, you're still an asshole."