Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning folks ,,

Well This morning I have to Take a LONG ride to my daughters school for a parent teacher meeting.. I Dread this ride .its an EASY 100 miles each way ..

I'll prob be home around 1pm


Well-Known Member
Good Morning folks ,,

Well This morning I have to Take a LONG ride to daughters school for a parent teacher meeting.. I Dread this ride .its an EASY 100 miles each way ..

I'll prob be home around 1pm

100 miles?:shock: geewiz thats a hella ride you got ahead of you. :shock:


Well-Known Member
Now this may sound like a dumb question but are you going to give the green a toke b4 you head into the meeting? I prolly would id i knew i could go undetected. If i couldn't then i would bother tokin.


Active Member
why not? lol
I smoke every morning, and it may have to do with the fact that I bury people for a living.
Must deal with the stress somehow.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning folks ,,

Well This morning I have to Take a LONG ride to my daughters school for a parent teacher meeting.. I Dread this ride .its an EASY 100 miles each way ..

I'll prob be home around 1pm
-25c = -13f ... last night and tonight....................
thats a hell of a drive if your kids lived with you.... I have a friend who's kids travel 1.5 hours each way to and from school..........

I'm watching this amazing video on the news...it shows a dolphin making himself an air bubble toy and playing with it.....

YouTube - Dolphin play bubble rings

LOL you a grave digger ?

Cool job.. I have friends in that business
Can ya dig it man.................................... :weed:


Well-Known Member
If my kids lived with me they would be in China's school..15 min away ...

That just might happen in the near future ,Their mother is a fuck -up..

Oh well Im outta here .. Gotta drop China at schooland then hit the road ..Talk to you folks later ..

Twisty .I'll call you from the road .


Well-Known Member
so fucking tired, i hate getting up at 730 to be to work at 8 :(
Years ago I worked for Electrolux and you had a certain production quota and then you could leave... I'd go in at 4-5am after smoking, do my work and was back home by 1pm and lots of time to party.... That was a great place to work...I'd smoke oil right at my work station..and in 1974 was making $21,000 a year.. bought 3 new cars in 1.5 years.. :clap:

Good morning wake and bakers. Trying to get everyone out the door this morning, haven't even had time for this bongsmilie yet......
Morning miss...:hug:.... so its like herding cats you say....... :shock:


Well-Known Member
WTF is with having to scroll side to side..... I hate this...is anyone else have this happening..?? Some pages are wide when I get there and some are fine till I post and then its wide again....