Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Yea its good sometimes to just get high, lay there, and think about shit, i did it last week, had a really bad day, got super high, and i just chilled on my bed for like 2 hours, felt like i was re born or something haha


Well-Known Member
My oven looks brand new .. Its a self cleaning , BUT I used a can of cleaner . Sprayed it last night , wiped it out today and then rinsed it two times , and then burned off all the vapors and stank.. Im done for today


Well-Known Member
haha ... that reminds me ... i remember seeing a glob of something on the bottom of my oven and thought to my self " i have to scrape that off"

used the oven a few more times since then ......:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Been smoking a few strains I have never had , Then along with that im crashing from caffeine , My neck still hurts and this hash is Kicking my ass
Sounds like tasty shit............ grim stuff about neck... I had that last fall.. lasted for days and when you think its gone you move your head and &%$*.....

w00t...... I think I see pistils....... only about 1mm on a three inch plant so I'll have to keep an eye on it.......


Well-Known Member
Me and drinking dont go too well.. Unless Im out and about in the right place and time Then I can kick em back... Then hate myself the next day


Well-Known Member
I thought it was gone ( the pain) Its Not.. Its still there .. Oh well China gave me the rest of the afternoon off ,So Im just chilling watching TV ..