Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

but aint u got ne tips

those are my tips. im not going to try and explain every aspect of growing marijuana to you, as you havent asked for any specific information just "tips". especially when the questions you are looking to have answered are more than likely already in the above threads.

Good luck! and READ
I had to break a foot off in my kids ass last night, over the phone even, for taking a pic of one of my plants. His sister caught him and called me. Sneaky fucker, coming here when he knew we weren't home and pulling that shit.

I asked him to delete it please and he said "why" and then I snapped. Can anyone think of any reason to have a pic unless you intend to show it to someone?

Wait until he stops by next time, his dad is taking his phone and checking to make sure it's not there. He gets lippy with me, but not Dad, no fucking way.