Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Morning folks.....hope everyone is good....

60F this morning, high on the way to 81F today, prolly the only really warm day for about a week in a half, cause it seems we have a blue norther coming our way next week......guess it time to put up the shorts for a bit....and move in a few house plants

Coffee is up and hot

all this talk about givin blood remind me, I need to take the mrs's for her blood drawn....ugh
yeah he is kinda pushy and dickish....... he also has the big bucks to be that way sometimes

do wish I had his money.......wouldn't be living here.....new name, private island......shoot the finger at everyone......hey I can wish...sheesh..

He had ambitions to be the leader of the CPC and possibly the prime minister of Canada. I think that was all derailed when his wife killed two other boaters while driving impaired in Muskoka. Speculation is Kevin was driving and his wife took the fall for him.
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He had ambitions to be the leader CPC and possibly the prime minister of Canada. I think that was all derailed when his wife killed two other boaters while driving impaired in Muskoka. Speculation is Kevin was driving and his wife took the fall for him.

I think I heard something to that effect....it was like a blip in the news...and then poof never heard anymore bout it.....
ok someone give me about 4 mil........we can all go....and shoot the finger at people.....

say's 3.5.....with the extra half few upgrades and such....
it's been a while since I was called that lol.
Funny story, about 10 yrs ago. Sunday morning early, I'm at the grocery store waiting at checkout line and thereis a young guy dealing with checker and 2 women in front of me. Checker is a cutie and the guy (suspect he was still drunk from last nite) is obnoxiously flirting with her, obnoxious underlined. She is PISSED and the other ladies are too, guy continues till the checker is finished and then she berates him and the other gals join in. I'm thinking, "just great, now I'll be the brunt of her anger". Guy leaves and all the gals start bitching about what a creep he is and then all men are. One of the gals leaves and now the checker and the other gal continue the male bashing, and now another woman is behind me. Finally my turn and I'm bracing for her hate. She is sweet as pie to me and I'm shocked, and it was sincere niceness. I'm thinking how is this? Then I realize! I'm a grandpa figure and she sees me as no threat in the mating game; no more do the young hotties consider me a contender; I'm grandpa. It worked out tho ;)
Little things make people smile.

My sister likes to reminiss about the time she was carded. At 40. lol

I'd ask for a selfie with the doorman. Last time I was asked for ID at the liquor store, I was 28, it was awesome... drinking age here is 19.

Funny story, about 10 yrs ago. Sunday morning early, I'm at the grocery store waiting at checkout line and thereis a young guy dealing with checker and 2 women in front of me. Checker is a cutie and the guy (suspect he was still drunk from last nite) is obnoxiously flirting with her, obnoxious underlined. She is PISSED and the other ladies are too, guy continues till the checker is finished and then she berates him and the other gals join in. I'm thinking, "just great, now I'll be the brunt of her anger". Guy leaves and all the gals start bitching about what a creep he is and then all men are. One of the gals leaves and now the checker and the other gal continue the male bashing, and now another woman is behind me. Finally my turn and I'm bracing for her hate. She is sweet as pie to me and I'm shocked, and it was sincere niceness. I'm thinking how is this? Then I realize! I'm a grandpa figure and she sees me as no threat in the mating game; no more do the young hotties consider me a contender; I'm grandpa. It worked out tho ;)

:-( That's kinda sad. Youth is wasted on the young.
Nah, not really; it's actually rather refreshing and enlightening; plus I can get away with murder :)

I've seen girls my age go squirrly for Fashion Santa from Yorkdale mall and he's your age.


I think I'd harass him too lol.
