Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Yes honor system. So probably a lot of the anti-vaxers are going maskless. Some of them will be sorry!!

It’s going to be interesting to see how they handle reopening the border. Canadian’s overwhelmingly support a vaccine passport for anyone entering the country.

News release from the city this morning says over 70% of adults in Toronto have had their first dose. The province reported 699 new cases with a positivity rate of 3.6%. The stay at home order expires tomorrow so it looks like we may have a somewhat normal summer. So exciting!
FFS I killed my elliptical... I am 100 lbs under the weight limit, but they won't insure it cuz it's over mileage -.- cheap shitty metal....
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:( sucks and it’s a sellers market for used exercise equipment

By car? Closer to 5-7 min away

Got me beat. It’s a 15 minute drive to woodbine beach. There is a closer beach but it’s way smaller