Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Hope is all I got when everything else is out of our control.
That is a very good point.

I think that's why we are seeing such an epidemic of depression. Hope is a powerless condition and powerlessness leads to depression. Depression is usually rage turned inward because of feelings of powerlessness to internal and external conditions.

We were trained in times of public health disaster to plan and find the edge of the wedge we could control. Then plan to take more ground back. I think the spit tests thrice weekly to stay open are a scathingly brilliant idea and as long as I was young and healthy and vaccinated I'd be all in!
but what about that eventful monkey wrench that get's thrown in, the planned control....well doesn't it get stirred as it were...
What eventual monkey wrench? There is no inevitable monkey wrench. That's the argument that gets you to quit before starting. There will be challenges. You meet them. You change your plan of action. You change the ground you take and you keep moving.

The reason humans are the apex predators on this planet is because of our neocortex. We are puzzle solvers. We evolve and in that evolution is our future.
i use that line with this anology

try to control water......you can do everything you can to control water right.....but in reality it will control you...you can try to do everything in your power to control water...build dams, wells, etc....in the end it find a way to get away....the water will go around, over, and through a dam, the well the water will seep into ground and come out somewhere else...water will move mountains, rocks, streets, buildings.....so where is the control
i use that line with this anology

try to control water......you can do everything you can to control water right.....but in reality it will control you...you can try to do everything in your power to control water...build dams, wells, etc....in the end it find a way to get away....the water will go around, over, and through a dam, the well the water will seep into ground and come out somewhere else...water will move mountains, rocks, streets, buildings.....so where is the control
How did we make it to the moon?
I got vaccinated, all my friends got vaccinated, the city had great infrastructure in the face of a pandemic. We wore masks, we closed up shops. Then people refused to get vaccines and came over to my state. I planned and followed instructions, and wanted a summer. They wrenched me.
We are facing a die off event. What we want doesn't matter. Our emotions need to be shelved. We have to do our best to keep ourselves safe and ride this out. We can't emerge out from under our rocks or caves until this is over. This is a very smart predator. It's a machine. There's no emotion on it's side that is what makes it so very dangerous.

If you think about the dinky tin can they were in for too long do you get vertigo too? Our grow rooms have more tech than that garbage had...
I watched every step of the way. They were in tech that was engineered to meet the moment. It was pretty awesome to see that display of our technology and we need to expand on that and get off this planet. Keeping all one's eggs in one basket isn't sustainable.
hope, that we did a good job building the rocket

hope , we got the math right

hope, then when it got there that the fine people who were in it will get back safely......
Nope we did not get to the moon on hope. I knew some of those engineers. There was no hope it was all built on science, and probability and statistics is part of science.