Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

bummer, call in sick

Explosive diarrhea...They never ask anything more!!
Hoping to get a little more driveway repair done today, and then the rains start this evening, and then it turns to cold and wet for a while.

The bath must have helped because I can walk better than yesterday. And the shoulder is feeling good from the costizone. Time to get at it, and dabs be waiting on me!!
You've never worked in healthcare. The first thing we ask if have you taken some Immodium and can just come in a little late. If you have and it's not working you can come in and pick up the Lomotil we'll have waiting for you on your way through the ER ;)

My neighbor found that out when she started at the local hospital, she failed at 5-6 excuses before she found one that worked.