Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

But waking up and finding the joint that defeated you is usually a bonus, right? :eyesmoke:
Well, I know a guy who was spending the night at this one dudes house with a bunch of friends. The dude who owned the house fell asleep with a joint in his mouth. They all woke up to a blazing inferno and rushed out of the house, but once they got outside, they noticed the guy who owned the house wasn’t outside with them. So they watched as the house burned down with the guy still in it.

joint definitely defeated that dude.
If I were you I'd get a new one vs a used one unless you have a buddy who is a car whisperer (not all mechanics are created equal). I'd buy a used car my husband green lighted. Otherwise it's just safer to buy new and hang onto it until it dies. That way you know how it was broken in, driven, its' care and maintenance. A new car should last a very long time now if taken proper care of during its' entire history.

Also as he and I are aging we are considering keeping 1 new car under dealer's warranty so he doesn't have to do any actual maintenance (the Accord's engine is taking longer than 1 week :lol: ). He's always flipped cars as a hobby. So we always had a few cars to choose from if one car was being recalcitrant. So we are currently looking at moving to 1 new in dealer warranty and a newer model used Truck and leaving it at that.

I would not be in the market now. I looked at it in the spring and we realized we had to step away until the market stabilized.

I'm actually really good with cars too, plus my step brother is the service manager at a local dealership, and he'll put any used car up on the rack for me and have a few mechanics poke around it, for the price of a breakfast pizza, lol.

BUT, I also think it's better to buy a new car now, because used car prices are so inflated.

I have actually only bought 1 brand new car in my life, and I hated it. A base model ACCORD. The car I drive now was a theft recovery vehicle out of Philly that I got a killer deal on....a fully loaded Accord.

I was a used car dealer and have it in my blood. Even now that I can afford any new car, as I said, I am too frugal to buy one unless I really, really love it.