Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Morning all...hope everyone had a decent weekend......

woke this morning to a muggy 74F......high today 90F

Just made a fresh pot...so if ya need a warm up...there ya go....

Been suffering from Hay Fever since saturday......cut a 3.5 acre lawn and wamo....hay fever....ugh...all saturday night into sunday and today....but all is not lost, went to walmart sunday and picked this up

4 burner gas grill......woohoo

welp i'm gonna attack this hay fever with a bean and cheese taco, and carne cusada taco....finish my coffee....and then i'm gonna hit myself with a crap load of vitamin c and zinc
Morning all...hope everyone had a decent weekend......

woke this morning to a muggy 74F......high today 90F

Just made a fresh pot...so if ya need a warm up...there ya go....

Been suffering from Hay Fever since saturday......cut a 3.5 acre lawn and wamo....hay fever....ugh...all saturday night into sunday and today....but all is not lost, went to walmart sunday and picked this up
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4 burner gas grill......woohoo

welp i'm gonna attack this hay fever with a bean and cheese taco, and carne cusada taco....finish my coffee....and then i'm gonna hit myself with a crap load of vitamin c and zinc
What’s the joke with tomatoes? What am I missing? Seriously?
What’s the joke with tomatoes? What am I missing? Seriously?

see love in texas you have to call it something else, even on the internet (sucks i know)....and since i dunno the breed or names and such.....i call it tomatoes....simply cause if you can grow a tomato....you can grow this.....and if you mix...it's called space tomatoes cause that's where it leaves you "in space"

figured if i ever get popped....i'll just call it hemp aka indica hemp, sativa hemp.....as long as i don't give it name...i'm good.....knock on wood....
I just assumed, if you were busted because of tomatoes
see love in texas you have to call it something else, even on the internet (sucks i know)....and since i dunno the breed or names and such.....i call it tomatoes....simply cause if you can grow a tomato....you can grow this.....and if you mix...it's called space tomatoes cause that's where it leaves you "in space"

figured if i ever get popped....i'll just call it hemp aka indica hemp, sativa hemp.....as long as i don't give it name...i'm good.....knock on wood....
ooooook good luck with that
I don’t mean to be a smartass I just couldn’t figure it out. Never heard anyone else make up a name for weed.
Texas has low thc medical marijuana at least you’re heading the right way.

it's all good love......Texas is heading that way, just so slow.......Texas is trying to figure out how to regualate it, right now there are 3 to 4 destinct grower who have license to grow large amount, one place actually is bout 5miles from where i live, locked up like fort knox and they are regged to only grow low thc and high cbd stuff....only.....the cdb store are highly regulated as well...lately they've kicked out Delta8 stuff...you can't sell it at all, if you do, the state will close the doors on you......
knock on wood i've never been busted, gotten close a couple of times though
I got busted by the Feds along with about 20 other people for trafficking and no one got caught with even a joint of weed. Federal laws are soooo fu**ed!

But I got the charges dropped, which is no small feat....They have a conviction rate of over 99%. I didn't really win though, because I gave a lawyer a lot of money, but I didn't have to rat, and I didn't go to prison! My friends ALL ratted...almost all of them, against me. Former friends now!!
it's all good love......Texas is heading that way, just so slow.......Texas is trying to figure out how to regualate it, right now there are 3 to 4 destinct grower who have license to grow large amount, one place actually is bout 5miles from where i live, locked up like fort knox and they are regged to only grow low thc and high cbd stuff....only.....the cdb store are highly regulated as well...lately they've kicked out Delta8 stuff...you can't sell it at all, if you do, the state will close the doors on you......
Yeah remember I’m in Florida, without compassionate care, just capitalism.
Yeah remember I’m in Florida, without compassionate care, just capitalism.

yeah i remember, and that's true it is, you know my wifes neurologist doesn't even know about the compassionate care program here, when i brought it up, she looked at me like a dear in the headlight......cause my wife can qualify for it...we got an appointment tomorrow....wonder if i should ask again....hmmm