Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift
Thats open source now, even library of congress has lots of free audio books now
Ebooks or audiobooks. Let me know which titles you'd like and I'll send them to you via wetransfer.com. I pirate everything so it's free for me ;)
I used to have an awesome free site, but it got DOS attacked, hacked, then domain jacked, redirects to their pay site now.
PM me a link if you know of any free sites for audiobooks
But what’s the tree gonna do is what I’m wondering. It’s got electric on its side.
My money is on the cat. It’s clearly determined that this foliage you’ve presented it with is either foe, or prey. Either way, it’s now their sole duty during the holiday season to kill, destroy, and dominate that tree. Just a demonstration of sheer power, so any other tree that is foolish enough to enter the house knows ‘this is a place of death, this is where you will rest forever’