Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

hell yeah just picked up an Oz. of some delicious Odyessy last night. had to come to work at 8am, smoked a fattie on the way to work! its cool though im security at this little office and im all alone and roasty toasty hahaha this job kicks ass i dont do shit
The weekend rocks, can smoke all day to keep the buzz going cause I don't gotta work! Whoo Hoo!
well i cant say i wanted to come to work but this is exactly what i would want to do since i had to, get blown and chill for 8 hrs, awesome
This seems to be a weekend thing for you Chiceh.

:You should get up earlier in the week just so you can bake and then come down a little before work.
Eventhough you will be awake set an alarm clock if you bake before work.

I sometimes tend to forget that I have to work when I bake first thing.
Of course I am still out of work so I wake and bong.

This is the earliest that I have been up on a Saturday in a long time.
My roommate had to be at work at 8 instead of the normal 11am.
I have to drive him to work since his DL is suspended.

SO my day started at 7am with a cig.
I then walked Mr Ike.
I then drank half a cup of coffee and hit the bong 2x's for good measure.
Now that I think about it, time to put fire to green.
man i think getting high at anytime is the shit. i would smoke before work, during work and after work. i am also into bodybuilding and nutrition so at first i would never smoke weed before i went to the gym and then i hurt my back pretty bad in a sledding accident so one time i smoked before the gym and got the best workout of my life. my mind muscle connection was totally enhanced. its like i became my muscles and could feel everything better. ever since then if i have pot i smoke before and after the gym. and theres nothing better for gaining weight than getting high.
That is what the weekend is for, wake n bake, eat, relax, play, eat, nap, wake n bake again. Oh ya, try to get the house work done in there too. Then get baked again and chill out on the deck. Life is good!