Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

My deep dark fantasy is to have a room that has independent environmental controls to the rest the house. Preferably a mini-split AC-dehumidifier combination. I have to run a balance between the plant's preferred environment and the wife-ometer setting.
My indoor grow space isn’t sealed so controlling the environment is tricky at best.
It’s part of the garage, which makes it extra fun when cars pull in. They are always hot and could be soaking wet.
I was riding my motorcycle one day when it was over 100 and an old lady said "oh it must be so cool on it". I asked her if she ever hit her face with a blow dryer and that it was like that.
I hear that....plus the heat off the engine and exhaust frying you!! You basically have to wear pants on most for heat protection.

I was just thinking about a ebike ride, but after walking to my mailbox and back not so sure. The e-bike is definitely a lot cooler than a motorcycle, and I can wear light clothes, and I have a great backroad I ride on that about 80% shaded by trees. If these was a BLT waiting for me at the other end, I'd be on my way, lol
I always wore jeans, we called people in shorts and flip flops organ donors... The best thing that can happen in an accident is you end up sliding on asphalt, pasted to the side of a vehicle is the worst. I've seen bad road rash, it isn't fun.
Oh man, me too. My uncle hit a deer on a motorcycle with his wife on the back, and his face was basically wiped off. I believe he had 13 plastic surgeries to rebuild his face.

Poor guy had bad luck. He was with his first wife in a terrible car accident that killed her almost instantly.
Here in the Pacific Northwest, they issue heat advisories when temperatures hit 90+.
In fact, there's one right now!

Hot temperatures are expected across the interior lowlands of
southwest Washington and northwest Oregon beginning Sunday and
continuing through the end of next week. The probability of
temperatures hitting 95F or warmer are upwards of 50-75% on any
given day between Tuesday and Friday. Overnight low temperatures
will gradually warm through the week with urban centers and higher
hills struggling to dip below 65-70F by the middle to end of next