Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Actually you have just embarked on an exciting game of LIVE Tetris! The game is to only move X rooms. Then as the painters finish you slot the next room(s) into the finished room. Why miss out on such excitement and fun by simply taking all the pieces off the board?
It's exterior only except for the front porch. The interior is in good shape all painted by moi.
You have to crawl before you learn to walk, it is something new, you'll figure it out it just takes time.

I just found slow! I think I put a hole in the wall. She said just keep going lol

Good idea, I’ve got a fawn pair just like those somewhere.

My brother is bringing his skull cap.

Peanut butter soufflé is really good, and 0 calories.

having heavy thunderstorms boo
Ah basements, I used to love my semi-finished basement in the midwest. It really fit my insomniac, internet troll personality as a teen.

Two things that are on the required list for house #2, a billiards room and a grow room. It would be preferable if I get to start with an unfinished basement with water supply. Those aren't happening in Florida, I'm pretty sure if you dig deep enough for a basement the state will sink.

Oh yeah, none of your notmypix posted. :-/
These are from the web however do represent how I have configured my cooling and exhaust.

Pics not mine.
Dimensions not to scale.

AC built into the fireplace.

Infinity 8" exhaust fan ducted through was added after finding inspiration from this photo presentation from the web.

Something got lost in the mix.

Mostly copy and paste from a past post.