Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Good morning riu, just got done tokin on some Bubblegum and now jammin to some ccr


I've seen the rain...


Well-Known Member
good morning pals of mine...happy birthday TG. happy friday to everyone :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
im awake im awake!


Well-Known Member
had a fire last night and the small mound of ash and embers was still hot in the morning, so piled that shit up and had some bacon the natural way mmmmm


Well-Known Member
Godd morning to one and all. I don't get to bake with you guys this morning because Talon ran out of smoke a couple of days ago and it's going to be another 2+ weeks before my next harvest.:| I hope it's ok that I still chose to begin my day here in my favorite thread.

I have a rock n roll dream that sometime today I'm going to find a bud I stashed away and forgot about.;-) Such dreams sometimes do come through, you know.....


match box

Well-Known Member
i love the honeymooners :eyesmoke:
One of these day's Allis boom to the moon. I always liked the honeymooners. Good morning RIU. It's going to be a fantastic day here mid 70's. I hope it's good weather where ever your at. It's Derby day also ya gona watch the horses run today?


Well-Known Member
Morning kids! wifey has yard work planed for me today.. I can feel it.. making canna peanut butter just in case..

but had to start my day with a J and a Joe..

did anyone else love this movie??



Well-Known Member
title track to the movie..


match box

Well-Known Member
I have never seen that movie but I'm going to. I like that clip. Ya J and Joe that's the way to go. I'm adding a little hash to start the day.


Well-Known Member
Alright!!! I found a bud I stashed away.:mrgreen:



Hear is something to try for those days that you really want to wake an bake but dont want to be completely wrecked whilst doing what ever you need done.
Step 1.
Wake up two and a half hours before you are supposed to wake up.
Step 2.
Toke it up and brush your teeth.
Step 3.
Go back to bed and sleep it off.
Step 4.
Wake up as usual make sure to have a coffee and enjoy your day.

Notes: it usually takes me a while to fall back to sleep again but as long as you get at least 1 hour solid sleep before you have to wake up you good. Remember to set alarms.

Let me know how it has worked for you. I usually feel a little buzz ( not sober ) but clear headed and with energy.
Puts me in a good mood when i have to deal with those i wish not to communicate with. Then again it could all be in my head, you know that placebo shit. That is why feed back would be good. PM me if you have variations.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning fellow bakers, Mojo's radio is going into the black bag of bootlegs to pull out something special for you today. Jimi Hendrix {lead}, Steve Stills {Bass} and Johnny Winter {slide} and the Things I Used To Do

match box

Well-Known Member
That's cool Talon some bud for the day. Damn Mojo I love that slide guitar. I'm good and baked I closed my eyes and was transported to guitar land.


Well-Known Member
I used to take Klonopin for anxiety. Yesterday my neighbor told me I need to get back on anxiety meds, it'll help with the rage bursts, So, I'm trying Xanax 1 mg, along with my good old standby Indica.
