Wal-Mart: The Asshole of America


Well-Known Member
I've noticed that there are a lot of people here who buy a lot of growing materials at Wal-Mart. My question is: Why? Don't get me wrong, I understand a lot of people are going for cheap grows, and don't have a lot of money to spend, but at what cost?
Instead of bitching to everyone, I'll provide some very informative links as to why I feel the way I do about Wal-Mart:
WakeUpWalMart.com - Join the fight to change Wal-Mart and change America


On another note, I believe it's important to search for the subtext behind company's slogans (It says a whole lot about the company's "personality") Wal-Mart Recently changed their slogan to "Save Money. Live Better." Many of you are probably saying to yourself, "Well yea. More money is better." But it's deeper than that, Wal-Mart is instilling this idea that the more money you have, the better quality of life you will have. Or to put it succinctly, money buys happiness.

Maybe it's only me, and if so, please don't crucify me.

Shop Target, Meijer, any local Mom & Pop shop or independently owned hardware, lawn care, garden store.

Peace, Love, and Chronic.


Well-Known Member
I've noticed that there are a lot of people here who buy a lot of growing materials at Wal-Mart. My question is: Why? Don't get me wrong, I understand a lot of people are going for cheap grows, and don't have a lot of money to spend, but at what cost?
Instead of bitching to everyone, I'll provide some very informative links as to why I feel the way I do about Wal-Mart:
WakeUpWalMart.com - Join the fight to change Wal-Mart and change America


On another note, I believe it's important to search for the subtext behind company's slogans (It says a whole lot about the company's "personality") Wal-Mart Recently changed their slogan to "Save Money. Live Better." Many of you are probably saying to yourself, "Well yea. More money is better." But it's deeper than that, Wal-Mart is instilling this idea that the more money you have, the better quality of life you will have. Or to put it succinctly, money buys happiness.

Maybe it's only me, and if so, please don't crucify me.

Shop Target, Meijer, any local Mom & Pop shop or independently owned hardware, lawn care, garden store.

Peace, Love, and Chronic.
Wow, I wish you posted this last week... one of my classes was focusing strictly on how walmart has such a grip on america. It really lowers the standards of living for lower/middle class Americans.
Wal-mart also pays their full time workers, below the poverty level in many states.
They have many manufactures by the nuts because Walmart is such a big store across the us. They pay the lowest of low for their product, still rip consumers off...and shut down companies because they cannot afford to run from what walmart is willing to pay for their product.

I personally do not support walmart. But thats just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Wall mart bashing is bullshit and unfounded.
This fool doesn't even provide us with a point.
He says he doesn't want to bitch, so he bitches and posts some links?


Well-Known Member
I've got to agree with jamie, wal-mart sucks. I don't shop there anymore it's all crap anyway along with home depot for that matter.


Active Member
Wall mart bashing is bullshit and unfounded.
This fool doesn't even provide us with a point.
He says he doesn't want to bitch, so he bitches and posts some links?
It's ironic because your dumbass doesn't provide a point either.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who has done even the slightest bit of research on walmart will tell you how bad of a company it is.

The more you shop at walmart, the more your own personal wage goes down. You have to think about the money you spend is the same money that goes back in your pocket.

Everything in walmart comes from China. When you buy something there it sends your money, out of your country and across the pacific.

Walmart CLOSES local business and replaces glutonus cheap crap that doesn't last or stimulate your economy.

When they do buy local (and they do sometimes) they rape the company at such stake that it almost bankrupts them. They did it to rubbermaid.

Walmart trains its managers on how to manipulate there employees to get more work out of them without paying. They keep employee hours low enough so that they are apply for medicare.

There is no good that can come from supporting a single conglomerate.

Don't shop at walmart.

P.S. there are many documentaries on Wal-Mart. If you love it so much, you should get some and see if you view changes. The educated mind is usually right, the uninformed mind is usually brain washed into thinking it is.


Well-Known Member
I stole half of my supplies from Wal-Mart for this year's grow. They keep all the soil and shit right outside. Its easy as shit. Load your car full of what you need and drive the fuck away...

I say fuck Wal-Mart too but sometimes you have to shop there vs somewhere else and then not be able to pay your bills...Thats why dumb posts like this one will never make a difference, because the people that need Wal-Mart to support their lifestyle will never stop shopping there whether they like what Wal-Mart stands for or not....


Well-Known Member
shut up homo
That's mature.

Wal-Mart is bad, m'kay.
I agree.

fuckin donkey cock. fuck u if ur poor
Karma will not be good to you, sir.

Wow, I wish you posted this last week... one of my classes was focusing strictly on how walmart has such a grip on america. It really lowers the standards of living for lower/middle class Americans.
Wal-mart also pays their full time workers, below the poverty level in many states.
They have many manufactures by the nuts because Walmart is such a big store across the us. They pay the lowest of low for their product, still rip consumers off...and shut down companies because they cannot afford to run from what walmart is willing to pay for their product.

I personally do not support walmart. But thats just my opinion.
Good! I think about it this way, there's always other options to Wal-Mart, and if it's a couple more minutes out of my way, I'm willing to do it to.

Wall mart bashing is bullshit and unfounded.
This fool doesn't even provide us with a point.
He says he doesn't want to bitch, so he bitches and posts some links?
Who is the fool? - You're correct though, I didn't provide you with a point because I didn't have the time at the moment. So here I am. I'm not going to go on a diatribe here, but pretty much Wal-Mart is responsible for driving many small, locally owned, mom and pop shops out of business. They lower the value of homes that are directly around the store, within x mile radius (I'm not sure of the exact length.) They underpay their workers. They do not provide affordable health-care. They've been known to pay below the poverty line. They are responsible for environmental dumping around Texas, also where some of their stores are known higher illegal immigrants so they can pay far, FAR, FAR under "minimum wage." They are a ruthless company that is all about the bottom line, and it's time that changed.

I've got to agree with jamie, wal-mart sucks. I don't shop there anymore it's all crap anyway along with home depot for that matter.


Well-Known Member
The reason why I like going to walsmart sometimes, is because it's like going to a county fair or a local fleamarket, or the intown circus. have you seen the people who go to walsmaet? You see some of the funniest looking, genetically altered looking humanoids on the planet. It's like looking at the evolution chart where the ape turns to man but somehow backfired into hell. Don't buy a T.V for your favorite shows, I could get all that by watching the fine folks at wlamarts. If you ever get a chance to go to waszmart, go to the return dept, where you get to see billybobjackson debating on why his grillcheese maker didn't come with loaf of bread.


Active Member
Im tired of people complaining about how much wal-mart sucks. Its common knowledge that those who create the demand create the corporation. Because there are millions of people needing millions of products to fulfill their everyday lives there must be corporations that serve that need such as wal-mart. I for one would rather pay less than more. A basic idea that made Sam Walton a millionaire.

Ohhh and Target is not that innocent. Are you aware that since Target is a French company that will not let the Salvation Army stand outside its doors because they really dont give two shits about you?


Well-Known Member
well as far as im concerned wal mart is a bullshit company, who takes advantage of not only there employees but all the slave labor that manufactures there products! steal em blind !! its a good thing!


Well-Known Member
Im tired of people complaining about how much wal-mart sucks. Its common knowledge that those who create the demand create the corporation. Because there are millions of people needing millions of products to fulfill their everyday lives there must be corporations that serve that need such as wal-mart. I for one would rather pay less than more. A basic idea that made Sam Walton a millionaire.

Ohhh and Target is not that innocent. Are you aware that since Target is a French company that will not let the Salvation Army stand outside its doors because they really dont give two shits about you?
Before you bandy about more of your "common knowledge" Target is an American company. Always has been. And they banned begging in front of their stores, not the Salvation Army. They prefer to give the money away to places of their choosing and not have all their customers hassled walking into their store. You want someone to hate, look into the Jesus freaks running the Salvation Army.

snopes.com: Rumors About Target


Well-Known Member
Have you ever noticed why walmarts erect just out of city limits when ever possible.

So they don't have to pay taxes into the city where the people they are taking the money from live!!


Active Member
Im tired of people complaining about how much wal-mart sucks. Its common knowledge that those who create the demand create the corporation. Because there are millions of people needing millions of products to fulfill their everyday lives there must be corporations that serve that need such as wal-mart. I for one would rather pay less than more. A basic idea that made Sam Walton a millionaire.

Ohhh and Target is not that innocent. Are you aware that since Target is a French company that will not let the Salvation Army stand outside its doors because they really dont give two shits about you?
So you're saying your willing to finance something that is bad just because you save a couple of bucks?