wall of text


i've got some of your males
i think i may be gay
they look so much like girls that i find myself aroused
internodal spacing is perfect
side branching is even and perfect
i've got an agent orange that we literally scraped up several tablespoons of powdery mildew spores and POURED on it - nada
said plant also was dead last of 24 plants to show sex
said plant flowered for 3 weeks after showing sex and was cut back approximately 80percent
placed under 24 hour 600 mh and watered into peat/perlite/castings/cocoa
said plant took approximately 4 days to begin to produce VIGOROUS new growth - no single leaved nodes or mutantion AT ALL
all of the males i kept (7) behaved more or less the same except the powdery mildew

agent orange is very resistant
ace of spades is very resistant
jilly bean is a fucking magnet
jack the ripper is normal
cheesequake is normal
that's with 4-6 of each strain, so not the best selection, but...

very pretty stretch - actually better than the girls lol

all around, jilly bean and agent orange are very very pretty plants

thing is, the only female i have is plushberry rofl and no male of her
i'm working on a cut of the flav - prolly in 2 weeks

i think i'm going to make some seeds rofl
i've got a VERY old cut of diesel(lemonysouryfunkyfuel) that i want to make some beans with probably open pollinate this with JTR and the 2 AOSs
i've got 2 different cuts of g13 haze that are just WHITE (lemon merangue and toe cheese) that i'll smack with the cheesequake
i've got a wonder haze i want to backcross i'm thinking i'll touch her with jilly bean and see what comes
i'm considering doing a bastard crank on that plushberry with all 7 males...grow out 2o or so and see how many keepers there are...

at any rate... i have too many questions to nail down right now...
i'm making seven 2x2 boxes that i will use as a table in my veg room
ima do a perpetual pollen run on each of the seven
for breeding purposes, i will run the females in a 1 gallon pot and keep them short
pretty simple really
i'll make a 4x4 box for finishing pollinated females with
any thoughts on any of this would be greatly appreciated
i'll post some pics in the next few days as i begin to get organized
i've cleared a space and cleaned
i've got my supplies

i thought it was all bullshit hype
so far, i'm impressed
much less variation than i expected
again, only a few of each strain, but...
beautiful - can't tell the boys from the girls till sexing

do your females reveg as well as your males?

and are any of those strains known for nanners?


for the rest of the studio audience whi has grown out any of these strains

ace of spades
jack the ripper
agent orange

how many did you crack?
did you experience heavy variation or dialed in genetics?
were your variations primarily scent and taste as opposed to shape vigour and yield?
what most impressed you with the strain?
what - if anything - turned you off?


some of the ladies i'll be dusting - the girls will go into flower in about 5 or 8 days....i hope(lazy stoners)
i'm open to suggestions
i definitely want to touch that blueberry with either aos for colors and potency - maybe even some stem thickness SUNP0011.JPGSUNP0012.JPGSUNP0013.JPGSUNP0015.JPGor the cq for funzies

