I keep hearing that, but I know personally thats not true. I've seen plants outdoors the size of trees after several years. After flowering you leave them alone, they'll go back into a veg state, then flower again the next year. I'm not sure why everyone is under that impression. If you doubt it, try it. Seriously. My question is in regards to the ruderalis in particular.
You mean revegging....Its well known that the plant can reveg....It has to do with the duration of light it receives
so you're saying,since you live in an area where a plant can reveg,senescence is not its life cycle?
Why would everyone say that? Hmmm....
[h=2]Definition of SENESCENCE[/h]1 : the state of being old : the process of becoming old
2 : the growth phase in a plant or plant part (as a leaf) from full maturity to death
If it can reveg, then apparently its not dead. Or are you talking about it becoming old? Neither of which has anything to do with my question of "can it go past one crop".
I've heard everyone say coke and pop rocks will burst your stomach, people say stupid shit. Facts make right, not public opinion.
So back to my question, can that clone go past one crop cycle?
I didn't think auto's could, but if someone gets it to happen, say...wally
I'd be EXTREMELY interested in seeing it