Wally's closet. 600 Watter

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
I like pictures :)

Looking phenominal, Can't wait to see these girls flower. Particularly parsial to WW :)
im stoked as well. you've got me a bit partial to the WoW too. i dont wanna let you down ;) the VFT's are really sweet. the serrations on the leaves are getting finer. its pretty cool. very good strain. both VFT and WoW are killer's veggin. we just have to wait and see what her flowers can do


Well-Known Member
im stoked as well. you've got me a bit partial to the WoW too. i dont wanna let you down ;) the VFT's are really sweet. the serrations on the leaves are getting finer. its pretty cool. very good strain. both VFT and WoW are killer's veggin. we just have to wait and see what her flowers can do
You won't :) This is going to be some killer bud, I'm looking forward to seeing what the VFT looks like next to the WoW<<< I like it :)

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
thanks, her goodies are dare i say sexy. that would make me a pedophile of my own kin.. yanno, im alright with that :D

they are all showing now. my closet's filled with green. im gathering funds for my flowering bulb. hoping to order it some day this week