walmart drug test? need answers asap


Active Member
the deal is i need to know from anyone that has worked at walmart what drug test do they use cause there HR said it would be urine or a blood test, i was like blood test sounded kind of weird. Smoking like 3 weeks straight about a .7 a night one week reggie miller and next two weeks grand daddy purp,im looking into synthetic piss with like a heating pad. What would you recommend
to cleam my system if i cant get the synthetic piss. A family member hooked up the second job for easy money, i got like three day any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
lol idk what that guy just said, but ya, a buddy of mine worked for them, u have to piss before they hire you.


Well-Known Member
I cant believe you guys get tested for working at fucking walmart.... do high schoolers working at mcdonalds get tested too?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yeah, tell them to fuck off as what you do in your free time has no bearing with your job. if it's mid-job, then tell them to explain why they feel the need to do this. if your performance has not been drastically dropping etc, then tell them again, to fuck off. if it's for a new job, look elsewhere, that's no good for ya
do they make you go to a testing center or you piss there
Im an ex walmart employee they test at clinic Im in the north east and Ive never heard of them taking blood hopefully its just a scare. I have had great luck numerous times with a drink called STRIP Igot it at a local health and herbal supplement store
Im also a stress case when it comes to drug tests so I start flushing with lots and lots of water also pure cranberry juice to flush kidneys then the drink the strip about an hour and a half before you go also pharmacys sell home drug test kits just to see if your going to pass knowing before hand is nice