Want A Better Grow Room


Active Member
ok so for right now i have 2 clones about 4 weeks into flower and 2 fem'ed seeds 1 week into flower and im using cfl's. I have 4 42w 2700k bulbs and 1 65w 2700 on the clones with 2 5000k bulbs on the seedlings.

I have a 6 site hydro station and want to run either a 250-400 watt light but im concerned with heat and electric cost. I have searched this forum for some time and couldnt find what i was looking for so will a 250w light with an ocelating fan be enough?

its a 4x5x10 area with the door always open when the light is.

i wanted to do a 400 but i getting an inline fan with cooltube is just out of my budget right now. looking to spend maybe 150 on lighting set up.

Also how much is a 250-400 watt system effecting your electric bill?



Well-Known Member
Power bill would be around 15-20 dollars for the 250 and 25-35 dollars with the 400. Also the 400 puts out way more heat than the 250 but is almost double the lumen output. Personally i have a 400 watter and the heat is pretty intense, but if you plan on cooling it eventually and you leave the door open to the grow room then the heat shouldnt be too much of an issue. Do u have any ACs in there and are there any in or out vents? If not then i would just do the 250 the heat is way more manageable i would imagine.


Active Member
not sure what you mean by in or out vents but the closet door stays open with an ocelating fan pushing air into the room with a fan on...

thats pretty manegable on the bill part, thanks


Active Member

Im thinking a 250w will be so much easier and cheaper if i dont need an inlinefan/cooltube so im going to go with that and its only for 6 plants so that should be enough.

Can anyone tell me if an ocelating fan moving air out of a closet is enough for a 250w hps light to stay at a good temp? house stays at 75 with A/C.