Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?



Three unknown strains. How many more weeks do you think I have until harvest on these bad bitches?? First time grower, so I need to know when to flush and when to chop.

FYI - 059.JPG is a close-up of 080.JPG.

Thanks in advance!


Hey! I grew these outdoors but haveflowerssep 007.jpgflowerssep 004.jpgflowerssep 002.jpg since brought them in. I dont know when they started to flower, when will they be ready...it was bag seed so I have no idea what it is.


ur weed looks tight sqwhere1. u think its the strain or the enviroment that makes them look like that?
Thanks for the compliment. I wanted to keep them short, so I topped them using https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/151706-uncle-bens-topping-technique-get.html.

Then started LST during early flowering, which really helped create a nice even canopy. It's my understanding that varying strains and environments will change the look of any plant. Hope that answers your question as I didn't really understand what you meant. :mrgreen: